
ReNUWIt’s University Programs provided robust training and curriculum for the next generation of innovative water leaders.
Graduate Students
Graduate students were the heart of ReNUWIt. Our students received an interdisciplinary, technically rich education while conducting independent research in our three research thrust areas. We emphasized system-level approaches, collaboration, and innovation / entrepreneurship. Our students mentored undergraduates, teachers, community college students, and high school students, and contributed to ReNUWIt’s Pre-College and Public Education programs. They also organized a seminar series and sponsored student travel and events through Students for Urban Water Infrastructure Reinvention (SUWIR), ReNUWIt’s Student Leadership Council.
How to get involved:
- Apply to graduate school at one of the four ReNUWIt campuses:
- Take classes from ReNUWIt professors.
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate research was a key part of ReNUWIt. Many ReNUWIt faculty hired undergraduate research assistants during the academic year and summer. These students worked alongside graduate students and post-docs on projects in our three research thrust areas.
How to get involved:
- Take classes from ReNUWIt professors.
- Talk with ReNUWIt faculty members about openings in their labs, and ask if you can attend their weekly group meeting.
REU Program
ReNUWIt offered our summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program on all four campuses. REUs spent 9-10 weeks immersed in a mentored research project in ReNUWIt labs, and participated in professional development and social activities. The program included stipend, housing, travel, and a 3-day all-ReNUWIt REU meeting at Stanford.
How to get involved:
- We are no longer running the ReNUWIt REU Program. Please visit NSF's REU Program website to search for active REU Programs in your fields of interest.
Postdoctoral Scholars
Postdocs played an integral role in ReNUWIt, helping lead research efforts and often mentoring graduate students. ReNUWIt’s postdoc community met to discuss postdoc-specific issues and also participated in Student Leadership Council activities.
How to get involved:
- Talk with ReNUWIt professors about upcoming postdoc openings in their labs.
Community College Students
ReNUWIt hosted community college students through the Summer Community College Opportunities for Research Experiences (SCCORE) program at New Mexico State University. SCCORE participants spent 4-6 weeks conducting a mentored research project, and engaged in professional development and social activities.
How to get involved:
- Apply to the SCCORE Program and indicate you would like to work with a ReNUWIt professor at NMSU.